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W01’s TOP 10 Pages

  1. VIM Adventures
    VIM Adventures is a website where you can learn VIM commands in a form of a game. It’s pretty useful for people like me who doesn’t like to read walls and walls of text.

  2. regular-expressions.info
    This site is nice cause it’s easy to navigate, explains how everything works intuitively, and it keeps each page short enough to not be just a huge wall of text.

  3. What is SSH?
    Did i tell you how much i hate walls of text? This article explains to me briefly on what SSH is used for and why people use it’s service in application.

  4. Learnshell.org
    Learnshell.org is another tutorial website to learn bash where i could read minimal text and do more excersise in practice. I like the interactivity of the site.

  5. Why learn bash?
    I was curious on why we still need to learn how to use bash, and this site explained to me that bash is the default enviroment for a lot of things i use, like python and java. Things like git is a bash-oriented tool. So it is pretty useful to know how to use.

  6. Git Commands Cheatsheet
    No more GSGS for git commands! Now i could look at the most used git commands in this page instead.

  7. Learn awk in y minutes
    A quick guide which explains how awk works using examples and comments of a sample program. Cool.

  8. Virtual Machines
    Explains why we use virtual machines, what it’s good for and also how to set up a virtual machine.

  9. Learn SED by examples
    A site that explains what sed is good for, automate the process of making edits to files, so that we could “batch” edit files. The site explains how to utilize sed by showing examples of how things work.

  10. Learn linux with EdX
    EdX is a pretty useful site which a lot of the world’s top universities work together to provide an enviroment where anyone can learn high quality, high level university courses at no cost. This sounds like an advertisement, but EdX is just a good place to learn in general. There are plenty of courses from multiple different sources to learn Linux from. You could also get certificates for finishing a course (at an expense).
