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W09’s TOP 10 Pages

  1. SSDs vs Hard Drives as Fast As Possible
    A Techquickie video by Linus G. Sebastian! Heck yea. A quick youtube video explaining the main differences between a Solid State Drive compared to Hard Disk Drives. Shows how sequential speeds matter less in small data transactions, and that because SSDs don’t have to physically move a disk head on a disk, they excel in smaller, more frequent data transactions. Also talks about reliability on both parts. You should watch it.

  2. Disk Scheduling Algorithms and More
    Article by geeksforgeeks explaining disk scheduling, the importance of disk scheduling, some important terms regarding disk scheduling such as seek time, rotational latency, transfer time and so on, and also disk sheduling algorithms including their advantages and disadvantages. Easy to read, well structured, as with most g4g articles.

  3. What is RAID 0, 1, 5, & 10?
    A PowerCert Animated Videos video explaining RAID. [insert funny joke about raid shadow legends]. This is an animated video explaining different RAID levels.
    It’s a RAID tutorial of level 0, 1, 5, & 10. It shows how RAID doesn’t really duplicate data, rather it is ‘striped’ accross multiple disks. Explained in conventional english. Can be easily digested.

  4. Error Detection & Correction
    A tutorialspoint dot com article explaining the different types of data errors, how to detect said errors, and then how you then correct those errors. Reminds me of the past Pengantar Sistem Dijital and or Pengantar Organisasi Komputer courses. Involves parity checks and so on. Easy to read. +- 5 mins.

  5. The FASTEST SSD Technology Explained - M.2, U.2, and MORE
    Another video by Linus G. Sebastian! This time on the Linus Tech Tips YouTube channel. The video talks about the difference between Serial ATA (SATA), SATA Express, U.2, M.2 technologies. Mostly explains practical use and how they differ in performance.

  6. The Magnetic Tape Viewer - see the sound on a tape
    A video showing what’s actually inside a magnetic tape! Magnetic tape was used as an early secondary-storage medium. Although it is nonvolatile and can hold large quantities of data, its access time is slow compared with that of main memory and drives.

  7. How a Hard Disk Drive Works
    A Seagate Technology YouTube video explaining just that and the structure of hard disks.. The good thing about the video is that it shows what the hard drives look like from the inside through both animated and real-life form. Also, Joanne Larson, the lady in the video, explains it pretty nicely.

  8. Apa itu NAS (Network Attached Storage) dan Mengapa NAS Penting untuk Usaha Kecil?
    Nomor ini didedikasi untuk mereka yang ‘gak bisa basa enggres’. Kali ini kita membahas mengenai article Network Attached Storage yang ditulis oleh Seagate (tidak disponsor). Saya melihat artikel ini ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia merasa agak aneh, tapi kontennya cukup menjelaskan apa itu NAS dan fungsinya untuk mereka yang menjalankan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM). Cukup menarik untuk dibaca walaupun pada ujung artikel malah jadi iklan produk Seagate.

  9. MBR vs GPT: What’s the Difference Between an MBR Partition and a GPT Partition?
    I was installing an SSD to my family’s main computer yesterday actually, and when I tried to initialize it, the system asked me if I wanted to use MBR or GPT partition. I did not know what either of those mean nor do I know the difference between them. This article explains just that, and it explains it using basic understandable english! I ended up using the more modern GPT partition.

  10. What exactly is GRUB?
    An askubuntu dot com forum explaining what GRUB really is using simple, ordinary words. Put simply, GRUB bootloader is the software that loads the Linux kernel, which is the first software that starts at a system boot.
