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W07’s TOP 10 Pages

  1. Baeldung on race conditions
    A Baeldung article explaining what a race condition is. It explains how the condition happens using infographics and code snippets so we could understand it a lot easier. Also explains some methods to avoid and eliminate race conditions to ensure the correctness of the programs we write.

  2. What is a semaphore? by Baeldung
    Another Baeldung article this time explaining semaphores, process synchronization tool, not the thing scouts use to uh. Anyways, very high quality explanation, operations like wait and signal are explained with pseudocode example, also explains its implementation, and also explains a bit about starvation and deadlocks

  3. Difference Between Deadlock and Starvation in OS
    An article by techdifferences dot com explaining how a deadlock is different from a starvation. Uses tables, along with definitions of both, and also key differences among the two.

  4. What is Readers Writer Problem?
    An article by studytonight dot com explaining the Readers Writer synchronization problem. The nice thing about this article is that it shows the definition, a code example, and explanation of said code. Nice and quick.

  5. Dining Philosophers Problem
    Another article by studytonight dot com this time about the dining philosophers synchronization problem. Explains the problem and solution by example and then explains said example. Good stuff.

  6. Windows Kernel Synchronization
    A tylerrhodes dot net blog about Kernel Thread Synchronization Objects on the Windows operating system. Explains how windows use solve synchronization problems on multi-threaded processes.

  7. LINUX Kernel Synchronization
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s Department of Computer Science slide about Linux Kernel Synchronization. Very complete explanation on it.

  8. Banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance
    The first geeksforgeeks dot org page in this top ten this time about Banker’s algorithm. G4G explains with examples using many different programming languages.

  9. Deadlock Detection Algorithm in Operating System
    Second G4G page. Explains the process step by step in how to check if there is a deadlock through an example.

  10. Recovery From Deadlock
    A studytonight dot com article explaining how when a detection algorithm determines that a deadlock exists, the steps and methods towards recovering from said deadlock.

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